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Tips for Academic Success
1. Make a list of assignments and tasks you have and estimate how long each one will take. Then, create a rough schedule for the day to help you manage your time.
2. Review your notes after school and create a list of review questions to quiz yourself on the day's material. Then, when you have a test coming up, you will have a list of review questions to help you study for the entire chapter.
3. Cut 3"x 5" index cards into fourths and create mini flashcards to carry with you on the go. Now you can study and memorize important concepts whenever you have a few minutes of spare time. Alternatively, use Quizlet or Cram to create online flashcards that you can access anywhere with a computer or smartphone.
4. Don't pull an all-nighter or wait until the night before to study for a test or write a paper. Instead, plan out a schedule to study or write a little bit each day until the day of the test or the due date of the paper.
5. Use mnemonics or silly acronyms to help you remember a list or order of things. For example, you can use "My Very Elegant Mother Just Served Uncooked Nachos" to remember that the order of the planets is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
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